Saturday, May 05, 2007

Wow...I got a little carried away with the pictures...enjoy!

Girls I tutored at the end of the term when their tests were coming up...a Samoan swimming pool in the background
Teaching computer to some girls in my village...1 laptop, lots of excited students!
School soccer game--in the background, was what used to be the being rebuilt by the guys in the village
I went to watch the Sunday School do their dances at another village...very cute!
Have you ever seen a refrigerator like this one? All you need is coconuts! (and some Jello haha, my staple "American" food)
Sally...and Sally--adorable little baby who lives a few houses down from me.
Something I will definitely miss when I go back to the States! Cruising in the back of our Ma'asina family's new truck with a Samoan brother
Somehow the pig roast at my cousin's wedding last year doesn't seem so strange to me anymore! My Samoan dad and a guy in the village cooking the pig for Bonnie's 1st birthday party (a bit different than the Fun Cental party!)
A goofy, goofy Samoan brother with the pig (still alive but not happy because his legs were tied together and he was shoved in a rice bag) that we forgot and had to turn around and go back to Ma'asina to get....haha, I have forgotten my wallet before, but never the pig!
One of my Samoan brothers from Ma'asina up to bat at the kirikiti game...he left later that day to work on a ship, going to Austrilia, Tonga, and other countries.
Yr 7 and 8 guys getting ready for their last soccer game. They are intense!
Happy Birthday Bonnie! 1 year old.
One of the friendliest guys ever! He lives 2 houses down from me---I was walking home from school and there he was with a big smile on his face scraping coconuts
The Sunday School kids at the Metodist church I go to which is right behind my house...many of them I teach/know from school.


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