Thursday, December 07, 2006

WOW! Goofy, goofy, goofy!

Hey all! This will be short and sweet but... an incredible few weeks! I just finished my language test and we had one of our final interviews yesterday, so I am almost an official volunteer! (Wednesday we swear-in in our village!) So many great days----Culture day...all the volunteers got together along with some people from our families---we killed, and cooked the pigs, cooked turkeys in the umu (a late Thanksgiving)---it only took 45 mins. for a whole turkey---compare that to the 5 hours it takes with our ovens! Made palusami, supoesi (papaya soup), husked cococuts....great day! Had an arts and crafts day in the village with the kids---I was in the balloon making stand (who would have guessed!) and crazy enough, there are 2 other Peace Corps who make them too, and they are the professionals (like Riley!). Day at the beach with the Volunteers, snorkeled around for awhile and enjoyed the nice sunny weather. Had a youth night for the church at our fale---our family did different siva dances and some of the volunteers danced it them too (I got to too!) Our brothers were all in ridiculous costumes and were hysterical. Great night, lots of people from the village all dancing and having a great time! All the goofiness has truly come out in our family! We have people dancing around and singing all of the time!

Hope everyone is having fun getting ready for the holidays! We are listening to Polynesian Christmas music and are really excited to be going to Ma'asina for Christmas! Love you all, thanks for all the sweet and funny notes and the letters! I love them! Talk to you all soon for Christmas! Love, Seli...

*****Check out to see Laura's blog ----lots of pictures of our family on it!


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