Back to the tropical island...
Well, I am back in Samoa, where everybody knows your name…how does that song go? Yes, there is definitely a big difference between living in this little (well, big for a Samoan village—1500 people but definitely little in comparison to Fishkill, NY) village of Fasitootai compared to living in Fishkill. Arrived in LA where I met another volunteer in the airport and we headed to Samoa…and that’s when the not knowing people around me thing ended. Got to the airport and imagine this, as I am talking to the guy at Westpac, who I have gotten to know just from going there every few months, the village mayor of Fasitootai comes up to me! Huh? Turns out he just started working there the day before and the father at the house where I am living had told him I was going to be coming. This also ended the Sally holding her own bags thing, as he pushed the cart with my suitcases as we headed towards customs. Anyway, a nice welcome back to Samoa, went to school that day, where the teachers enjoyed eating M&Ms and then jumped right back into things, helping kids after school, going for my nice runs through beautiful tropical scenery (I need to remember that even when it really just seems hot!), and then reading with kids next door at night. Chocolate was a huge hit, as were the pictures, although unfortunately I had to tell the guys that unfortunately the girls just would not fit in my suitcase. I had some interesting requests for things to bring back from the States…Oh yeah, also went to the post office to get a package, and yes, the girl there knew my name…it would not be possible to go incognito around here. So my parents will be coming soon to visit, and I have discovered that they will truly be getting the full fa’asamoa experience---They were pretty much right in telling me when I left that the school would be done when I came back…August 23rd. Big day for Fasitootai, as it is the opening for the new school, a day is which many pigs and cows will be killed (I have heard that even the prime minister will be here! In which a cow must be killed) and you guessed it, my parents will be the “special guests.” I was talking to the father and high chief of the family I am with, and he definitely said to me, upon telling them that my parents would be here for the occasion that they would be the SPECIAL GUESTS. I am sure they will be well welcomed and spoiled by the people in my village in the time they are here. Other good news when I was away, one of the students I work with was fitted for a hearing aid which is coming in October, an eye doctor will be looking at one of my student’s eyes, computers will soon be on their way, and we are starting to put the labels on books this Saturday, so the kids will be able to take them out, read them at home, and then bring them back. Good stuff. Well it is getting late, and these little flies seem to be enjoying the taste of me right now…but I need to say how great it was to see everyone, share some Samoan food, go to bridal showers and dog parks, be at my cousin’s wedding (to be able to talk in Samoan there and be amidst people wearing puletasis was definitely pretty cool!), and just enjoy being home. Love you all.
And yes, even though I am enjoying this place a lot, these flies and mosquitoes really need to find a new place to hang out!